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The opportunities that have kept arrears from skyrocketing

Despite a steady rise in mortgage arrears, the changes have been described as “modest” and rapid rises are being mitigated through a variety of opportunities in the market.

Rate hike would ‘offset the benefit’ of tax cuts

The income boost provided by the government’s stage 3 tax cuts could prove to be futile should the RBA increase the official cash rate in August.

What’s causing arrears to rise?

The central bank has unpacked the main drivers behind the recent increases in home loan arrears.

9 themes impacting the global economy

A recent deep dive into market trends has outlined some of the top trends impacting the global economy.

June Labour Force print ‘positive news for the RBA’

June’s employment data could lead to a further hold in the official cash rate, barring any upside shocks from next week’s CPI print.

Over 20% of mortgagors switched to interest-only

New research has found that some mortgage holders have switched to interest-only payments in “a last-ditch effort” to sidestep falling into arrears.

Aussie spending habits paint a picture of priorities

Recent data has detailed the spending habits of Aussies, with younger consumers and families skewing the statistics dramatically.

‘Grow Your Own’ funding an opportunity for regional business development

Encouraging regional areas of Queensland to “grow their own” workforces, the Queensland government’s latest initiative sees opportunities for investment in regional businesses.

The government’s plan to strengthen banking in the Pacific

Recently, the Pacific Banking Forum was hosted in Brisbane, co-hosted by the Australian and US governments. A roadmap has now been outlined detailing plans to strengthen banking in the ...

Mortgage holder spending halves YOY

Home owners with a mortgage have cut their spending by over half in the year to June 2024, research has found.

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