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Homeloans to expand financial services offering

Non-bank lender Homeloans has revealed its diversification plans for the coming 12 months.

PEXA to benefit broker-client experience

NSW brokers are in for a windfall when electronic settlement provider PEXA rolls out its services across the state next month.

Investors ignore yield for capital growth

A soft rental market, competitive lending rates and rising property prices are forcing investors to chase capital gains over rental yield.

Falling Aussie dollar to drive growth

A drop in the “persistently high” Australian dollar will improve local economic growth, says HSBC's chief economist.

Brokers drive mutual mortgage growth

Teachers Mutual Bank has seen its home loan portfolio grow 11.44 per cent in the 12 months to June 30.

SMSFs preventing economic growth

International financial institution Credit Suisse has blasted SMSFs as one of the major impediments to economic growth in Australia.

Firstfolio to pursue growth opportunities

A Firstfolio director has acquired the company’s $29 million debt facility from CBA and is keen to pursue new business.

PEXA platform gains momentum

Australia’s online property exchange, PEXA, has welcomed the first practitioners to the platform.

ING DIRECT sees 'massive opportunity' in innovation

There is a massive opportunity for lenders to learn from consumer brands when it comes to customer focus and innovation, according to ING DIRECT.

Balance before burnout

So often I hear from colleagues that they are simply too busy and too in demand to find the balance in their lives to stop and smell the roses, so to speak.

Balance before burnout
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